
Unity Statement
Unity is a common bond that transcends all differences. We’ve discovered no matter how different our circumstances or the paths that brought us here, we all suffer from the same disease, addiction.
We admitted our lack of power and accepted that we could not recover alone. The strength and direction of our recovery is found in our unity.
We are people who might not have mixed. Addiction and recovery are the threads that bind us. We relate to such feelings as grandiosity, insecurity, jealousy, and false pride and are reminded we are all alike. By sharing our experience with other addicts and working the Twelve Steps of C.A., we come to know humility, security, acceptance, and self-worth.
  • Recovery is possible–together.
  • Unity preserves our C.A, fellowship.
  • Unity preserves our legacy of Hope, Faith, and Courage.
  • Unity preserves our personal recovery, our reunited families, and our rediscovered dreams.
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