Update meeting details Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Meeting: *Please help us to identify your meeting by entering the current name, day and time, and venue name and address.Are you closing the meeting? *NoYesPlease indicate if you are closing the meeting. If everything is changing, you should close the meeting and start a new one. Make sure to include your contact details at the bottom.New meeting name: *Enter the name of your meeting (e.g. "Big Book Discussion"), or leave the default. In the spirit of Tradition 6, please do not use the name of the venue.New day of the week:UnchangedMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayEnter the day of the week your meeting is moving to.New time:Enter at least the start time that your meeting is moving to. End time is optional.New type of meeting:Unchanged11th Step Meditation12 Steps & 12 TraditionsBig BookBreakfastChild FriendlyClosedCandlelitDiscussionLiteratureMenNewcomerOpenSpeakerStep MeetingTradition StudyWheelchair AccessWomenYoung PeopleLGBTQ+Does your meeting now support the Chit System? *UnchangedYesNoUndecidedPlease indicate whether you provide chits to those who need them. For information about the chit system, please contact pi@cauk.org.uk.Area *UnchangedWales AreaUnaffiliatedIndicate what Area that your meeting belongs to. Choose "Unaffiliated", if you don't know or are not sure.New venue:Please enter the venue name and address, including the post code.Parking *NoneUnchangedOn siteCar park(s) nearbyStreet parkingPlease choose the item that best describes the parking situation.Your name: *You don't have to use your full name. This will not be shared on the website.Your Email *EmailConfirm EmailPlease enter your email address. This will not be shared on the website.Your phone numberIf desired, please enter your phone number. This will not be used on the website.Other detailIs there anything else that we need to include about the meeting or the venue? If you want contact details listed, please do that here.MessageSubmit